Yes, 3-0 stands for 30. I am officially 30 years old!
It's so weird to vividly remember what it was like at age 16 thinking 20 was super old and at age 20 I thought 28 was older than old... I have now passed those ages and entered my 30s!
I am so excited for my 30s. Granted, when I imagined my 30s I always thought my life would be much more figured out than it currently is... I am still excited.
I have the most beautiful family. Not a day goes by that I don't sit in awe for at least a few seconds at just how much I love my children (and my husband). By the time I am saying good-bye to my thirties I will have a 13 year old boy with twin 11 year old girls... plus one more little munchkin. Not an announcement. I just know I want another baby... unless that baby splits into 2 like our last one... we may 1/700,000 chance (something like that) have twins again.
My birthday fell on a Wednesday. Sadly, I had to celebrate the day working. Bryce took the kids over to his parents house so I could hammer out some work. It was really nice to be able to relax, focus on work, and enjoy a relaxing lunch in front of the tv (which I actually try to do while babies sleep, I need my food/tv time). Around 4:30 (they left about 10am), I really started to get bored. I didn't want to work anymore. I wanted to see my babies and have some birthday time with them before our date.
Finally, around 5:30 Bryce brought my babies back home. His mom and brother watched the kids while we went out to dinner at Red Pepper (mexican food, it was ok) and saw the movie Gravity. It was an interesting movie, most people loved it. I liked it... but watching one person in space for an hour isn't my ideal movie. I did love the time with Bryce. Dinner was quite pleasant, we tried to steer clear of talking about the bar, as we have for the past couple months. We just pretend like it doesn't exist and go about our lives.
From Bryce I got three new lularoe maxi skirts. They do these maxi-skirt parties and you just go try on a bunch of them and buy the ones you want. Bryce loved that he didn't have to shop for me and I loved playing with girlfriends and picking out some new comfy skirts! I love mine, by the way.
The kids colored a beautiful card for me that I will treasure forever. I love watching how Dylan is starting to focus on coloring in certain items on the page (his hand on this one) rather than general scribbles.
My family all gave me money to go shopping... can't complain. I love my family (this includes Bryce's family, which is now my family).
I actually got Bryce the coolest gift on my birthday. I write this for memory sake, not to brag that I am the most selfless wife out there... but... maybe I am... ;)
I asked for money from family for my bday rather than gifts so that I could buy Bryce a new iPhone 5. He has been dealing with a jailbroken iPhone 3 that is super slow and has limited apps. It takes 10 seconds to even get in to make a call... that is SLOW. He has been so patient since we just don't have money to spend. We're on a StraightTalk phone plan through Walmart so that monthly the phones are under $45 for unlimited everything, but then you have to buy your phone... this turned out to be cheaper than any other phone plan we could find including the free/cheaper phones.
Point being... we got him an iPhone 5 for my birthday because that's honestly all I wanted. I just wanted to get him what he deserved and what I knew would make him super happy. Now... if I could just get him to put the phone down and hang with me. JK... well... kind of...
Happy 30th Birthday to me... soon Bryce will follow me into his thirties... two months younger than me.
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