The other day...
Mommy: Axie, come here so I can change your diaper.
Axie: (Typical 11 month old response... ignore... smile cutely at me)
Dylan: (Stands tall in front of her, with one hand on his hip and the other pointing and waving in the air) (said very firmly) Axie, you need to listen! When mommy tells you to do something, you do it! Go get your diaper changed.
The other other day...
Dylan: I need to go potty. Mommy, don't touch my ferris wheel (a cool set of magnets from Gma Jill)
Mommy: OK
Dylan: Mommy, you'll be obedient?
Mommy: Yes, I'll be obedient.
Dylan: You'll listen?
Mommy: Yes, I'll listen.
Dylan: You'll make a good choice and not a bad choice?
Mommy: Yes, I'll make a good choice.
Dylan: OK, I'm going potty. Don't touch my ferris wheel.
Another day...
Daddy: Man, my nose keeps running. (He grabs a Kleenex)
Dylan: Your boogars are running away?
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